Invasion AmericaFinal Fantasy 7Final Fantasy 8Final Fantasy: The Spirits WithinTifaIA's 7th Heaven

Sonia kept running from the hotel, down the street and around corner after corner. She had passed by so many traffic lights that if she were to count them all, a week would have passed.

We can't let the Dragit down...

Simon's words echoed menacingly in her mind, carrying with them the familiar touch of menace that her twin always had when speaking to her lately.

That bastard! Hope his other hand withers!

It was a childish thing to hope for and a vengeful one as well, but Sonia was still in a rage over her departure. He pushed me to the brink! He GOT what he paid for! She stormed down the street, the wind tossing her fair mane about her shoulders, her icy blue eyes staring straight ahead. She could recall that she hadn't given a single glance back at the hotel SHE paid for. And I suppose he'll charge my tab to the limit, she sneered to herself. What a bastard.

True, they were siblings, and blood was thicker than the water of the tears running down Sonia's face. But right now, none of that mattered. The fact that Simon was her only remaining family and that she had a responsibility to the Dragit -- all of it was wiped clean from her mind, as teardrops streaked her cheeks. Simon had hurt her, and she wasn't about to forgive him so easily.

The only person she hoped to run into now was David Carter, but what were the chances?

Sonia continued her aimless meandering through the streets in the state of Georgia. She knew damn well that Simon would probably summon enough strength to go after when the time was ripe enough.

I just can't be in the vicinity when that happens...

She took a look around her, taking in the usual small-town sites. I need a way to get out of here without Simon knowing... I have to get away, I have to get back to... David. He can help me. From now on, I'm on his side. Simon's on his own.

She resumed her fast-paced steps, eventually reaching the airport in the small Georgian town. She didn't have enough money to buy a ticket for a Glenport flight, but there were other ways for her to get on board the earliest plane.

She entered the main building besides the plane runways and stood in line. Her eyes darted up to the electronic boards overhead, where she could make out the times of the earliest Glenport-bound planes. One was leaving in a few minutes, fortuitous enough for her. Now to find someone with a ticket or two...

Sonia and Simon had various mental powers as a result of being half-Tyrusian twins. Though they were only at their peak when their powers were united, Sonia still had special abilities of her own that didn't require the presence of her sibling. Using her mind she scanned the tickets in the passengers hands, one by one, all over the small airport building. Her mind soon stopped on a lone woman bound for Glenport on that early flight leaving in only a few precious moments.

I need something to distract her...

The ticket, the precious ticket to Sonia's freedom was dangling precariously out of the woman's coat pocket. Using her mind Sonia activated the fire alarm, and people in the building began to panic.

As the masses of passengers awaiting their flights began to scream and flee the building in terror, sprinklers activated automatically. Right underneath the spray of one, Sonia was soaked. The hard water pelted her fair hair and jacket as she stumbled through the panicking crowds in search of the one woman with her ticket out of there. She caught up with her soon enough, running out of the building, nestled in between a wall of people. Sonia reached out in an eye blink and snatched the ticket, then hid it within her coat. She bolted out of the building immediately, and checked the flight number on the ticket.

Number 307...307...

Looking around, Sonia spotted the plane preparing for takeoff. She ran after it like mad and managed to catch up and board it within a few seconds. Fortunately, her flight would be a first-class ride.


They were heading to Washington D.C. Whoever this girl was needed protection. It was a rule in the association to not ask too many questions. Translated, don't ask any questions and you will live. It seemed fair enough. They provided protection and allowed everyone to keep a low profile in exchange for some 'dirty' work. Stark still wasn't comfortable with the routine. True, that this was helping the resistance against Dragit and his man, but was it enough? Knocking out at least 10 Tyrusians a month wasn't helping to solve big problems. Only the little ones. If that was what the association wanted, then that's what they would get. A day had passed since they had left Glenport, Mass. Taking a single car; they had traveled as far as Baltimore, Maryland. They always took the back-roads just in case trouble was ever following. Time never seemed to be a great deal of importance now a days. Everyone in the car spoke a few words from time-to-time, mostly about the new mission. Protection against Bounty Hunters.

David even brought up the question; "Did they say why she needs protection?"

Even with all he has been through, Stark knew that David would always be the same person inside. "No, they didn't. All they told us was her location and gave us this." Stark moved his right hand off of the steering wheel and pulled out the picture. He waved it in front of David for a moment before placing it back into his pocket. "Nothing more than that."

Things sure seemed different to Stark. While the group may have grown closer, lately things have been tensing up and everything was out of the norm, more so than usual. Stark stayed in deep thought as the others conversed. Sometimes, he wished that he could return to his position at the White House. At least the president forgave him for any future mistakes that may occur. Guess that was to be expected when it comes to the saviors of mankind. Still, Stark would not have mind to go back into an office and just sit all day. Little would he know how much that feeling would obscure and overcome his future decisions.


Stark parked outside the house of the girl they were sent to protect. It didn't take that long to get there, but the ride seemed to have took an eternity.

Stepping out of the car, the group turned on their earpieces. David pressed against his ear, "Anything Doc?"

From the house in Glenport Doc answered as he typed away on the computer, "Nothin'. Just the info they sent us already."

Stark flipped over the picture of the girl and on the back was her information. Her height, her weight, her birth date. Stark tapped David's shoulder and David looked at the back of the picture. He nodded to him and David went up to the front door.

He noticed something wrong with the door...

"It looks like it's been bashed in...." David started, kneeling down and examining the busted doorknob closer. A sick feeling fell over the group.

Stark and David entered first, guns in hand. Angie and Jim followed.

"Uh..." David looked upon a house, crumbling from the inside. Everything in sight was either shattered or covered in blood. And there on the side, lying lifeless on the floor, was the girl they

were sent to protect.

"We're too late." Angie hung her head.

"Damn!" Stark slammed his fist on the wall near by.

"Great. First day on the job and the person we're supposed to protect is dead." David scratched his head with the tip of the gun.

Jim looked as pale as a ghost when he looked upon the dead girl. "I don't wanna even imagine what they did."

"We can bring the body back to Iris and see the cause of death." Doc's voice came over the radio in their ears. "She does autopsies right?"

"All right then. So, who wants to carry her to the car?" Angie asked. Everyone turned their heads to Stark.

He sighed and placed his gun back into the holder. "Fine." He picked her gently up and carried her to the car. Jim stood for a second, eyes cast to the floor.

David's hand fell upon his shoulder causing him to jump a little. "Come on, Jim." David led him out of the house and back into the car.

Stark pressed the earpiece closer to his ear. "Doc? Call Iris and tell her we'll be there in a little bit."

"I'm on it." Doc answered.

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¤Chapter 6
¤Chapter 7
¤Chapter 8
¤Chapter 9
¤Chapter 10
¤Chapter 11
¤Chapter 12
¤Chapter 13
¤Chapter 14
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