Invasion AmericaFinal Fantasy 7Final Fantasy 8Final Fantasy: The Spirits WithinTifaIA's 7th Heaven

The plane ride was long...and boring. The in-flight movie wasn't even that great. Still, Sonia bore the burdens of the entire trip from Georgia to Glenport, Massachusetts with hardly a complaint.

She didn't even give the slightest glance to the kid behind her, kicking her seat.

When the plane landed, however, she was one of the first passengers off. Looking around the bustling Glenport airport, the first thing that hit her mind like a rock through glass was:

I need a place to stay...a place to hide from Simon.

She felt sort of silly, having to run from a family member like her own brother. Without him (and he without her), their powers could never reach their peak. But though it cripples me, it's a disadvantage to him as well.

Across the parking lot of the airport was a secluded wooded area. Sonia sprinted across the blacktop for the forest, hiding her form within its lush greenery. Through the branches of the many shrubs she could see other passengers leaving her flight. She was glad to be off such a terrible ride.

Right now, my first priority is to find shelter...anywhere'll do right now.


Another day had passed. The slowly decaying body was wrapped and placed into the trunk. If they were to stop, then all hell would break loose.

Stark had been uneasy about the past few days. One of their few protection missions had been a bust. Not much they could do about it. The girl was dead upon arrival.

They were heading up the back ally-way behind the hospital. Romar had phoned in to Dr. Iris just a few moments ago. She stood outside and awaited the car. Stark, David, and Romar stepped out of the car. Stark hit the truck release button.

"Eck." Iris commented.

Stark turned his head towards her. "What?"

"Is it really necessary for you to do that?"

"Riding around in a car with a dead girl in the back would not do us any good."

"And Jim would have been vomitin’ the entire time," David commented.

"Thanks man!" Jim lifted up a hand and gave David a sarcastic look.

Stark and David lifted up the girl in the trunk. She was wrapped up in a dark blue sheet. "Angie, you and Jim head back to the house and see what information you can get from Doc. David and I will stay here."

"Right," Romar nodded her head. She jumped into the driver's seat and zoomed off the second Stark had closed the trunk to the car. Stark shook his head and assisted David as he lead the way into the back door of the hospital. The girl felt limp and frozen in his hands, yet there was still a sense of life. As if the girl's soul were still alive and had been trapped, longing for freedom.

He wanted to get the autopsy over with as soon as possible. It was time for another vacation. 'Maybe Dragit could set up another Moon Base to get me out of here for a while.'

Iris told Stark and David that they could wait for the information if they wished. David agreed and after some thought, so did Stark.

Iris smiled timidly at them as the male nurses lifter the body up on a stretcher. She groaned inwardly. She had done autopsies before, she just never like it. Iris walked along side it as the small team of nurses pushed the stretcher along. Absentmindedly, David started to follow.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Stark ran up along side of him.

"I'm just taggin' along." David smiled and continued to follow.

Stark sighed heavily and followed him.

Iris turned into a small and confined room. There was another doctor there and Iris handed him the paper silently. Then she turned back to David and Stark and shoved them gently out of the room.

"Hey. What's wrong?" David moved out of her way.

"You can't come in." Iris simply said.

"And why not."

Iris playfully hit him upside the head and said, "Because I said so." Then she turned back around and into the tiny room. The door closed automatically after her.

Then she opened the door again. "I'll call you if I discover anything unusual."

David and Stark knew what that meant, so they decided to walk home.


It was around evening when the call came. Iris had told them, all of them, to come down to the hospital. Stark drove the car down to where Iris told them to go. Parking it, they hopped out and made their way to the Iris inside. She was at the front desk with Ilene. Silently they made their way towards her.

Iris cleared her throat. “The cause of death was two gunshots to the right temple and the stomach. From the looks of it, whoever shot her the first time wasn’t the same person who shot her the second time. The bullets found in her where two different ones from two different guns.”

“Meaning there were two people?” Angie asked.

“Two or more. For all we know there could be a small group of them.” Iris handed them the chart in her hand. “The first shot was done to her stomach. Whoever shot her again must have wanted to make sure she was dead.”

Stark cringed a little as he flipped through the chart, witched had photographs of the incident in them. “Did you have to take pictures?”

“It’s part of the routine.” Iris said taking the chart from his hands. “There’s something else...”


“It doesn’t have anything to do with your case. It was someone who came in a few hours ago.” Iris looked over at David.

David stared back, “So?”

“This person is believed to be half Tyrusian.”

Iris lead them into a small room with a mirror on one side. Iris left them to change into a white suit and joined the men in the room behind the mirror. David stared at the man on the table through the one way mirror; unable to tear away his gaze. This man, as white as a spirit with skin like chalk, flared wildly, though he was obviously chained down by his arms, legs, and waist.

This man with exotic long eyes like his own...

Only a few minutes ago this man was shaking ever so slightly in the way David would do before he took his pills. Now that man was literally flipping out. The white suited men around him hurried along to the tables off to the sides of the padded room. Quickly grabbing different instruments. The men wore white suits like those one would wear when something in a room was giving off radiation. One white suited man grabbed for a needle and stuck it into the leather like skin of the sickly man.

Now this ghost faced man stop flailing and stood still, breathing no longer rapid but leisurely. Breathing as if someone was stepping hard on his chest. The pale man was visibly ill and gagging now for air. With all the color drawn from his face and with his ribs showing and his joints swelling, he looked like he was suddenly deteriorating. Only an hour ago this man, in spite of the chalky appearance, at least look healthy when it came to his body. Now he looked as if was fading in front of their eyes.

Suddenly the man started to struggle again, shooting up and pulling at his chains in a desperate attempted to brake free. Then as the man began to struggle there was a unmistakable popping noise that echoed through the corridors. His right lung had literally blew up inside his chest. His eyes rolled in back of his head only showing the bloodshot whites. Still David stood watching the man with an odd interest to what was happening to him.

The red blood slowly poured from his mouth in a straight line down each side of his lips. Red stood out brilliantly against his pasty skin. Still alive, but in a coma state, he started choking on the blood as it bubbled from his mouth and he frantically tried to take in air then breath out. But he was already dead from what the doctors saw. He was already dead when they brought him in.

He stood still now, dying slowly either from internal bleeding or suffocation Jim, the whole time, had his eyes closed tight with his hands covering his ears when the man would scream. Angie was watching now and then, but couldn’t stand to see what happened at the end so she left the room. Phil was standing next to David with a look of anguished on his hard face. Doc was looking over at David with a question on his lips, but David already knew what he was going to ask: ‘Will this happen to you?’

Iris came out of the padded room and into the little room behind the one way window, where all stood watching the horrific sight. Iris took of the head piece of the white suit. She didn’t look at David; she couldn’t.

Iris and the group met outside the room.

Holding her stomach, Angie asked, "Why the hell did you show us that?"

"I had to. For David's sake." Iris placed the white head piece on a chair nearby.

"Me?" David jabbed a finger at himself. "Those pills?"

"Yes." Iris' head sunk.

"What pills? Iris, what's goin' on?" Doc asked as he moved closer to her.

"I guess you do have a right to know." Iris sat down. "David has these seizures sometimes. He had them all his life. We never thought much of it, but I realize now why he has them." Iris explained. "When David was born, being half alien, his blood and some of his internal organs were alien-like. He may look human, but inside parts of him say other wise. His mother practically died giving birth to him and David wasn't to far from being dead himself. This hospital was meant for humans, not aliens. We didn't have alien technology so I didn't know what to do. Cale and Rafe helped out, but we were stumped."

"But I'm here now." David spoke quietly.

"Yes. The doctors and I managed to stabilize you. You were shaking like you were having a spasm. But it wasn't any normal spasm." Iris took a breath.

"I know that." David lowered his head.

"But they don't." Iris looked up at the group.

"But that doesn't--" Angie began.

"Yes. It's confusing. I know. These pills," Iris held up a bottle for them to see, "They help to control the seizures. He doesn't have them all the time, only when they're really bad. I found out the reasons for these seizures. There are certain nerves in David's brain that aren't connected like humans should be. I think that is what starts theses seizures. I'm not sure though."

"What if he doesn't take the pills?" Doc asked.

"Then what happened to that man in there will happen to David."

"Was that guy really half Tyrusian?" Jim asked.

"I believe so."

"Then," Stark said, "That means they're coming back."

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¤Chapter 1
¤Chapter 2
¤Chapter 3
¤Chapter 4
¤Chapter 5
¤Chapter 6
¤Chapter 7
¤Chapter 8
¤Chapter 9
¤Chapter 10
¤Chapter 11
¤Chapter 12
¤Chapter 13
¤Chapter 14
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